Python 3

Welcome to this supa-quick, supa-dope Python 3 tutorial. Python is a general purpose programming language created in the early 1990s by Guido van Rossum. Today, Python is one of the most popular languages and enjoys particular success in statistics/data science and scientific computing. This tutorial will serve as a brief introduction to the capabilities of Python and its syntax.

Getting Started

To get started we will likely need to install Python. While there are many ways to install Python on your system, I recommend using the Anaconda Distribution ( Anaconda is a cross-platform (OSX, Linux, Windows) distribution manager that simplifies installing and managing packages. While this tutorial only makes use of the base Python packages, installing via Anaconda will also install several scientific libraries that you will likely find useful later. Further, Jupyter is also included in the Anaconda install, giving you access to Jupyter Notebooks.

Interacting with Python

Once Python is installed on our system, there are two main ways we can interact with Python: 1) opening a python interpreter using the terminal, 2) creating a python script file.

Accessing a Python Interpreter

To access a Python Interpreter simply open a terminal window, and type ‘python’. This will create an interactive Python session where we can write and test Python code. If you are on a Windows machine, instead of the normal command prompt, barring specific installation steps, you will need to open an Anaconda Prompt. This is a special terminal that will give you access to your Python/Anaconda installation.

Writing a Python Script

A python script is a file with the ‘.py’ extension and can be written using your favorite text editor or IDE. If you have Anaconda installed on your computer, you will have access to the Sypder IDE, which is a popular and useful IDE for writing scripts in Python. A python file can be run by typing ‘python *script_name*.py’ into the terminal.

Basic Python Variables and Operations

Mathematical Operators

Unsurprisingly, Python can do math! The basic mathematic operators are +, -, *, and \ for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division

# The print function takes a value or expression and displays the output to the screen.
# The hash symbol denotes the proceeding text as a comment, and thus is not evaluated
# by the interpreter.

print(2 + 2)
print(2 - 2)
# Negative values are demonstrated with a '-'
print(-3 + 2)
# Exponents use the double star operator '**'
# The percent symbol, '%', is used as the modulo operator for calculating remainders.
print(6 % 4)  # 6 = 4*1 + 2
# Mathematical expressions follow the order of operations.

Mathematical Variables

There are two basic numerical data types in Python: integers and floating point numbers. Integers are whole number, signed or unsigned, while floating point numbers contain decimal values.

# The data type of a value can be determined using the 'type()' function.
<class 'int'>
<class 'float'>
# Values in Python can be assigned to variables with different names for later access.
# Variable assignment is done using the '=' symbol.
x = 2
y = 3.0
# Variables can be cast to compatible data types using the desired data type function.

z = int(y)
<class 'float'>
<class 'int'>
# While we instantiated 'z' using 'y' and then modified 'z', the value 'y' remains unchanged.

Boolean Values and Operations

Boolean values are values that determine the truth value of a specific statement. In Python, these take the form the key words, True and False. There are several useful operators such as <, >, <=, >=, and == for excessing relationships between numerical values. Each of these operators returns a boolean value representing the truth value of the given statement. All the previously listed operators expect to be sandwiched between two values, one to the left and one to the left, and are evaluated left to right.

# The less than operator '<'
x = 3
y = 6
z = 10
print(x < 5)
# The greater than operator '>'
print(z > x)
# the less than or equal to operator '<='
print(x <= 5)
print(x <= 3)
# the greater than or equal to operator '>='
print(x >= 5)
print(x >= 3)
# the equality operator '=='
print(y == 6)
print(y == 7)

Boolean statements (e.g. 3 < 5) can be strung together using and maniuplated using the and, or, and not keywords. All keywords follow their formal logic definitions: the and keyword is true is both statements are also true, the or keyword is true if one of the statements is true, and not negates the original truth value.

print(y > x and y < z)
print(y < x or y < z)
print(not y > x)

String Variables and Operations

Strings are data types used to represent text data. They can be instantiated by placing expressions between single (‘[expression]’) or double (“[expression]”) quotes.

string_1 = 'dog'
string_2 = "cat"
# strings can be concatenated using the '+' operator
string_3 = string_2 + string_1
print("What do you mean you've never seen a " + string_3 + "?!")
What do you mean you've never seen a catdog?!

String Substitution

Values can be substituted into a string using string substitution. This is done using the .format() method available to string objects.

# the second single or double quote mark can be escaped using a backslash: \
statement = 'What do you mean you\'ve never seen a {0}?!'
What do you mean you've never seen a catdog?!
# strings be evaluated using boolean operators
print(string_1 == string_2)  # are they the same string?
print(string_1 < string_2)  # is string_1 shorter than string_2?
print(string_3 > string_2)  # is string_3 longer than string_2?

# strings are case sensitive
print('cat' == 'Cat')
# String case can be changed using the .upper() and .lower() string methods.

print(string_2.upper() == 'CAT')
print(string_2 == 'CAT'.lower())
# The length of a string can be accessed using the built-in len() function.
print("The string '{0}' is {1} characters long.".format(string_1, len(string_1)))
The string 'dog' is 3 characters long.
# Characters in a string can be assessed by position.
# Python indexing starts at 0.

print("The first character in '{0}' is: {1}.".format(string_1, string_1[0]))

# Due to zero indexing, the last element is the n - 1 element.
print("The last character in '{0}' is: {1}.".format(string_1, string_1[len(string_1) - 1]))

# Negative indexing also works (e.g. -1 accesses the last element):
print("The second to last character in '{0}' is: {1}.".format(string_1, string_1[-2]))
The first character in 'dog' is: d.
The last character in 'dog' is: g.
The second to last character in 'dog' is: o.
# If a string is of a numerical value, the string can be converted to an integer or float.

float_string = '2.5'
int_string = '2'
print_msg = 'Converted {0} to {1} from type {2} to type {3}'

int_num = int(int_string)
print(print_msg.format(int_string, int_num, type(int_string), type(int_num)))

float_num = float(float_string)
print(print_msg.format(float_string, float_num, type(float_string), type(float_num)))

# Likewise, numbers can easily be converted to strings
num = 3.5
print(print_msg.format(num, str(num), type(num), type(str(num))))

# It is important to note that if a string represents a floating point number,
# Python is unable to convert that number to an integer.
Converted 2 to 2 from type <class 'str'> to type <class 'int'>
Converted 2.5 to 2.5 from type <class 'str'> to type <class 'float'>
Converted 3.5 to 3.5 from type <class 'float'> to type <class 'str'>

Container Variables and Operations

There are three main container data structures in base Python: lists, sets, and dictionaries.


Lists are arbitrarily long collections of objects. The are instantiated by placing comma-separated values within square bracks [** **].

my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4]
[1, 2, 3, 4]
# Like strings, elements within lists can be accessed via their position.
print('The first element of my_list is {0}'.format(my_list[0]))
The first element of my_list is 1
# Access and assign list value by accessing an indexed element,
# and assigning it to a new value.
new_list = [1, 2, 3]
new_list[2] = 5
[1, 2, 3]
[1, 2, 5]
# A range of objects within a list can be select using ':'

# Another ':' can be used to define step size for the selection range.
[2, 3]
[2, 4]
# element membership within a list can be tested using the 'in' keyword.

print(5 in my_list)
print(3 in my_list)
# The length of a list is also assessed using the len() function.
# An empty list can be constructed using empty square brackets
x = []
# Elements can added onto the end of a list using the .append() list method.

# Lists can have mixed-type variables (e.g. a list can contain both integers and strings)
[1, 2, 3, 4, 'String!']
# incremental lists up to a defined number can be created using the built-in range() function.
# The range function outputs a 'range' object. However, it can be casted to a list
# using the list() function.

n = 10
# Create list of length 10 ranging from 0 - 9
range_list = list(range(n))

# The list doesn't need to start at 0
m = 3
print(list(range(m, n)))

# Likewise, we can specify our own step size
step = 2
print(list(range(m, n, step)))
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
[3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
[3, 5, 7, 9]
# Lists can be concatenated using the '+' operator
string_list = ['I', 'Love', 'Dogs']
print(my_list + string_list)
[1, 2, 3, 4, 'String!', 'I', 'Love', 'Dogs']


Sets are container objects that can only contain unique elements. If you are familiar with Set Theory in Mathematics, Python sets are simply an implementation of such a structure. Sets are constructed passing a list to the ‘set()’ function or constructing via { }.

# Sets can only contain unique elements.
set_1 = set([1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5])

set_2 = {3, 4, 6, 7, 7, 8 , 9, 10}
{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
{3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}
# add elements to a set using the .add set method
{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
# still only unique elements
{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
# Remove elements using the .remove set method
{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
# retrieve union of two sets using the .union set method

# retrieve set difference of two sets using the .difference method

# retrieve set intersection using the .intersection method
{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}
{8, 9, 10, 6, 7}
{3, 4}
# Unlike lists, sets are unordered and thus don't support indexing.

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)

<ipython-input-37-c17aa407af1e> in <module>()
      1 # Unlike lists, sets are unordered and thus don't support indexing.
----> 2 print(set_1[0])

TypeError: 'set' object does not support indexing


Dictionaries are collections with key-value pairs. They are constructed by matching a key with an associated value. The value can then be retrieved at a later time using the provided key. In python, keys and values can be of arbitrary data types. Similar to sets, dictionaries are consructed using curly brackets { }, though each entry must follow the key:value syntax.

# Construct dictionaries by separating keys and values using ':'
# Separate key-value pairs using ','
my_dict = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}
# Look up values using keys
# Create an empty list using {}
empty_dict = {}

# add elements by 'indexing' by a given key and provided an associated
# value as an assignment.
empty_dict['key'] = 'value'
# Retrieve keys of a dictionary using .keys() dictionary method
# Retrieve values of a dictionary using .values() dictionary method

If, Else, and Elif Statements

Sometimes when writing a program, you need to execute different code snippets depending on the value of a specific variable. In Python, we do this by employing the three boolean key words: if, else, and elif

An if statement uses if the following syntax:

**if (boolean statement): **

run this code
# if statements must be followed by a colon.
# Likewise, the next line MUST be indented using either a tab or 4 spaces.
if True:
    print("It's true!")

x = 3
if (x < 10):
    print('{0} is less than 10'.format(x))
# An else statement must follow an if statement and is executed
# if the statement in the if statement is not met.
x = 11
if (x < 10):
    print('{0} is less than 10'.format(x))
    print('{0} is greater than or equal to 10'.format(x))
# Like an else statement, an elif statement must follow a preceding if statement.
# However, like an if statement, an elif must also have its own boolean statement
# that must be met in order for its snippets to be run.

if (x < 10):
    print('{0} is less than 10'.format(x))
elif (x < 15):
    print('{0} is greater than 9, but less than 15'.format(x))
    print('{0} is greater than 14'.format(x))

Iteration and Looping

While programming, it is common you will want to execute a code snippet multiple times, or execute the same line over a set of values. For this, we use looping. There are two different types of loops we can use in Python: for loops and while loops. For loops iterate through a set of values; a while loop iterates until a specific condition is met.

For loops

For loops employ the following syntax:

for each in list:

run code

The variable each is defined in the loop statement. Similarly, the variable list can be any iterable data type: not just a list. Like if, else, and elif statements, loop statements end with a colon and must be followed by a new line and an indentation.

# iterate through a list
my_list = [1, 'hi', 'yellow', 'pizza', 4.5]
for each in my_list:
# use the range() function to iterate through integer values
for i in range(5):

Nested For Loops

We can nest loops within other loops for loop-ception. In a nested loop, the first loop will run with the first value specified by the iterator (e.g. i = 0) until the inner loop gone to completion (e.g. executed for j =0 and j = 1). Once the inner loop is completed, the outer loop then moves on to the next value, and the process is repeated.

for i in range(5):
    for j in range(2):
        print('(i={0}, j={1})'.format(i, j))

While Loops

While loops execute until a boolean statement returns False. While loops employ the following syntax:

while boolean_statement:

execute code
count = 0
while count < 5:
    count += 1  # the += operator increments the value of a variable by the right value

Nested While Loops

Like for loops, while loops can also be nested; however, in order to fully iterate through each loop, values used in the boolean statement in the inner loop must be set in the outer loop. This ensures the value will be reset for the next iteration in the inner loop.

count = 0
while count < 3:
    num = 5
    while num > 3:
        print('num: ' + str(num))
        num -= 1  # the -= operater decrements a variable by the right value.
    print('count: ' + str(count))
    count += 1


It often a good idea to modularize your programming. That is, break your code into smaller parts that can be run together to complete your task. This is often performed by declaring functions. In Python, functions take a defined set of inputs, perform some set of operations using the inputs, and likely outputs some value. Functions are defined using the following syntax:

def function_name(input_1, …):

run code

Like loops and control statements, function definitions end with a colon followed by a new line and an indentation.

def add(x, y):
    return(x + y)

print(add(1, 2))
# It is common to have doc-strings, denoted by three sets of quotation marks,
# after a function definition to define the use of the function.
def multiply(x, y):
    Multiplies two numbers together.

        x (float or int): a numeric value.
        y (float or int): a numeric value.

        (float or int): the product of `x` and `y`.

print(multiply(3, 2))
# It is possible to include optional parameters in functions.
# These are defined by setting an arguments name and giving
# a default value using '='

def increment(x, step=1):
    Increments a value by specified value.

        x (float or int): a numeric value.
        step (float, optional): a numeric value to increment `x` by.
            Default value is 1.
        (float or int): sum of `x` and `step`.
    return(x + step)
print(increment(2, 3))


When discussing functions, it is important to also talk about the scope of a variable. The scope of a variable is the environment in which the variable is defined. If a variable is defined within a function, it’s scope is local and unique to that function: the variable cannot be accessed outside of the function. If a variable is defined outside of a function, at the first indentation level, the scope is global: the variable can be accessed anywhere within the Python file.

global_var = 20
def scope_function():
    """Scope example."""
    local_var = 3
    print(global_var + local_var)  # global_var has global scope
# local_var was defined only within scope_function(). Thus,
# it does not exist outside of the function.

File Input and Output.

Often when writing a program, it is necessary to read or write to a file. Reading and writing can be done in a variety of ways and we’ll go over the most useful here.

Reading a file

To read a file, we must first create a connection to the file. The most basic way to do this is with the open command and utilize the readline io method.

# The open command creates a TextIOWrapper object that is used to read
# lines in a file. The first argument in the file to open, while the
# second argument specifies the object should be in "read-mode"

read_file = open('input_file.txt', 'r')  # open the file
file_string = ""
line = read_file.readline()  # read a line using the readline TextIOWrapper method.
while len(line) > 0:  # read lines until no lines are left in the file.
    file_string += line
    line = read_file.readline()
read_file.close()  # close the connection to the file.

Using with to simplify file reading

The above method requires we create a separate file object and remember to open and close it. This can be simplified by using the with and as keywords:

with open('input_file.txt') as f:
    for line in f:

Writing Files

We write to files analagous to the way we first read a file: creating a connection, iterating through the lines we want to write, and finally closing the file.

write_list = ['This is a line',
              'This is also a line.',
              'In case you didn\'t know,',
              'You can have line breaks',
              'in between list elements',
              'and really any bounded element.']

f = open('output_file.txt', 'w')  # the 'w' parameter specifies "write-mode"
for each in write_list:
f.close()  # Look in your present working directory and you'll notice an output_file.txt file.

Importing Modules

In Python, a module is an external library that provides functionality that extends past the built-in functionality. However, there are several standard libraries/modules that are included in the base Python install, such as math, sys, os and other modules. These, and any other module, must be brought into the python environment using the import keyword.

On a basic import, any method, data structure, or value provided by the module must be accessed by first appending the module name to the method (e.g. to use the sin function in the math module, we type math.sin)

import math
# find the sin of 1, 0, and pi

It is possible to import specifc methods or sub-modules from libraries. This is done by combining the from keyword with the import keyword. Depending on the level of import, the syntax for accessing the imported methods changes.

from math import cos
print(cos(math.pi))  # no `math.cos` necessary because we imported `cos` directly.
from os import path
# import 'path' submodule from 'os' module to gain access to 'realpath' method.
# When executing, os.path.realpath' not necessary because 'path' sub-module imported.
# However, path.realpath necessary because 'realpath' is in the 'path' sub-module.
# You can re-name modules using the 'as' keyword on import
import math as m


This concludes our brief introduction to Python 3. This document simply serves as a primer to first getting acquainted with the syntax and data structures in Python. Many concepts, techniques, and capabilities were left out. Feel free to explore more of Python’s capabilities on your own if you so desire. Looking into external libraries such as numpy and scipy will be incredibly beneficial for anyone looking to continue to perform analysis in Python.