
Poster Templates

The following are suggested posters templates.

Poster Draft Guidelines

  • Title
  • Authors
  • Affiliations of Authors
    • Yours should be your school and “Boston University Bioinformatics BRITE REU Program, Summer 2018”
  • Abstract
  • Text for
    • Motivation and Background
    • Methods
    • Results
    • Discussion and Future Work
  • Figures
  • References
  • Acknowledgements
    • Include: “This work was funded, in part, by NSF grant DBI-1559829, awarded to the Boston University Bioinformatics BRITE REU program, [and if other grants] and <grant agency, like NSF or NIH> grant <grant number>.”

What to look for when reading a poster

  1. Does the abstract say briefly what the authors did, why they did it (including importance), what results they got?
  2. Is there an introduction to basic concepts?
  3. Does it use diagrams or flowcharts to increase clarity?
  4. Does the methods section describe briefly what was done and how? what data was used?
  5. Does the results section make clear what was the outcome?
  6. Are graphs and figures clear, well labeled, and described. Are important results highlighted?
  7. Does the conclusion discuss the importance of the results and what further work needs to be done?
  8. Is there a reference section with relevant articles and books?
  9. Is there an acknowledgement section that contains grant support information?
Appearance and overall effect
  1. Is it interesting?
  2. Is there a good mix of text and figures?
  3. Was there a good flow in the story?
  4. Did you learn something from it?