SQL Workshop


In the workshop, we’ll do the following. See the instructions below for guidance in each task.

  • Task 1: Create tables for movies, actors, and cast.
  • Task 2: Add data to the tables using the files movies.tsv, actors.tsv, cast.tsv.
  • Task 3: Write queries to get answers for the following.

Using SELECT and WHERE in a single table

  1. Pick a movie you know from year 2000 or later and find out its mid. (answer is mid)
  2. Pick an actor you know and find out her or his aid. (answer is aid)
  3. Pick a year and list the first five movies in the year you picked with titles that start with a “b” and with “comedy” in the genres column. (answer is five rows, each containing year, title, genre)

Using count()

  1. How many actors are listed in the actor table? (answer is a count)
  2. How many movies in the movie table? (answer is a count)
  3. How many movies have the word “bride” in the title? “groom” in the title? (answer for each is a count)
  4. How many actors have a first name that starts “Amy”? (answer is a count)

Using Group By

  1. List the number of movies in each year. (answer is multiple rows, each containing year and count)

Using joins

  1. Pick a favorite actor and list all titles and years of the movies that person appears in. (answer is multiple rows, each containing name, title, year)
  2. Pick a movie and find all the actors that appeared in it. (answer is multiple rows, each containing title, name)


  1. List the top ten actors with the most roles. (answer is multiple rows, each containing name, count of roles)

Using the same table more than once in a join

  1. Find two actors that appear together in two different movies (harder). (answer is multiple rows, each containing actor1, actor2, movie1, movie2)

Task 1

Starting and stopping sqlite.

The following starts sqlite and creates a database file mydatabase.db or uses that file if it already exists. Note that % is used below as an arbitrary symbol for your system prompt.

%sqlite3 mydatabase.db

The following stops sqlite. Note that “sqlite>” is the sqlite prompt.

sqlite> .quit

Create a file create.txt in an editor and enter the CREATE TABLE statements for movies, actors, and cast. Also add the following two lines to your create.txt file. They create indexes which sort the data in the cast file for fast lookup. This is necessary because the cast table doesn’t have a primary key.

CREATE INDEX mid_aid_index on cast (mid, aid);
CREATE INDEX aid_mid_index on cast (aid, mid);

Use .read to read in the file create.txt and execute the statements in sqlite.

sqlite> .read create.txt

Use .schema to see that all the tables were created. This will list the CREATE TABLE and CREATE INDEX statements.

sqlite> .schema

Task 2

Copy the files “movies.tsv”, “actors.tsv”, and “cast.tsv” into your directory and load their data into the tables you’ve created. Use something similar to the following for each file.

sqlite> .mode tabs
sqlite> .import movies.tsv movies

Confirm that data has been loaded into each table using commands like the following, which list the first 10 lines from a table. Note that the .mode and .headers commands make the output easy to read. select * means output all fields of each row.

sqlite> .mode column
sqlite> .headers on
sqlite> select * from movies limit 10;

Note that if you get the continuation symbol …> it means you hit return before the command was complete. Either continue typing or add a missing semicolon (;) at the end.

sqlite> select * from movies limit 10

Confirm the number of rows of data in the table. select count(*) means count the number of rows in the table.

sqlite> select count(*) from movies;

Task 3

Write SQL select statements to get the answers to the listed questions. Use the format shown below.

SELECT field name, field name, ...
FROM table name
WHERE condition [AND|OR condition etc.]
GROUP BY field name
ORDER BY field name [asc|desc] ...
LIMIT integer

Try It At Home

Follow these steps to add movie ratings to your database.

  • Create a ratings table. It should have three fields:
    • mid – a unique integer identifier for the movie (set this as the primary key)
    • rating – a floating point value for the movie rating (datatype: real)
    • votes – an integer value for the number of votes received by the movie
  • Download the data file “ratings.tsv
  • Import the data into your table

Asnwer these queries

  1. How many movies are rated?
  2. How many movies have more than 5000 votes?
  3. What are the top ten rated movies with at least 5000 votes? With at least 50,000 votes? With less than 5000 votes?
  4. What is the range of ratings (use min() for low and max() for high)?
  5. Show the ratings, votes, and year of all Star Wars movies, from highest to lowest.
  6. What is the distribution of ratings in bins of size 1 (i.e., how many are rated from 0 to 0.999, from 1 to 1.999, etc). To do this you can use 1) the round( ) function on the ratings and 2) GROUP BY.
  7. What is the distribution of votes in bins of size 1000?

SQLite Dot Commands

sqlite3 dot commands

.quit                   Exit sqlite3
.headers on|off         Turn display of field names on or off
.help                   Show this message
.import FILE TABLE      Import data from FILE into TABLE
.mode OPTION            Set output mode where OPTION is one of:
                            csv           Comma-separated values
                            tabs          Tab-separated values
                            list          Values delimited by .separator strings
                            column        Left-aligned columns for display (use with .width)
.open FILE              Close existing database and open FILE database
.output FILE|stdout     Send output (such as result of SQL query) to FILE or screen
.read FILE              Execute SQL in FILE
.schema                 Show the CREATE statements in this database
.separator "x"          Change the column separator to x for both .import and output
.show                   Show the current values for various settings
.width n1 n2 …          Set column widths for "column" mode, 0 means auto set column,
                            negative values right-justify